There are many different types of signage used in marketing. There’s digital signage, illuminated signage, indoor signage, outdoor signage—basically, there’s a sign for everything.

With so many different options, it’s often hard for companies to choose which type of signage they want to use for their marketing efforts. Some make choices based on what’s popular while others make choices based on what their budget allows.

When used correctly, every type of signage can easily benefit a business because it allows them to promote their message and generate interest in their business. One of the best tactics to use in order to be successful is to opt for custom signage.

Custom signage amplifies your brand.

You can create your custom signage to mirror the image your company wants to portray. You can use the colors, fonts and styles of your branding on your signage to tie the two together. This allows your company to build a brand identity, and the stronger your identity becomes, the more potential customers will start to recognize who you are and what you do.

Custom signage gives you control.

With custom signs, you can be as simple or as detailed as you want. If you want multiple die-cuts, you can have them. If you want your sign to be the size of a business card, you can have it. If you want it to have all the colors of the rainbow, you can do that too. You actually have a choice in the layout and design of your signage, which gives you the power to be as creative or as basic as you please.

Custom signage can fit your budget.

Custom signage allows you to choose the layout, size and detail of your signs, which means that you can easily create a sign to fit within your budget. If your budget is small, you will need to create a sign that is a bit simpler. If you have a larger budget, you can get as intricate and detailed as possible. No matter what size budget you have, though, a custom sign will fit.

Custom signage stands out.

When you use custom signage instead of a templated design, you are standing out from all the other companies who opted to use the cookie cutter models. Your signage looks different than all the other signs out there that your customers see, which enables your sign to be remembered.

Custom signage makes an impression.

When your sign makes an impression, it is remembered, and those customers who remember your signage will think of your business when it comes time to making a purchasing decision. This means that your signage just converted this customer into a sale, and conversions are how your business becomes and remains successful.

If your company is using signage as a marketing tactic, make sure that you use custom signage instead of templated designs. Not only do you have control over the design and layout of your signage, but it also makes your signage more likely to stand out from the competition and earn you some actual business.


M.P. Brown is a graphic designer with a background in branding. M.P supports the team at Icon ID in the indoor business signs division.