Wayfinding Your Way Around a Building with Signage
Signage in a building helps us find our way. Finding your way around a building is called wayfinding—and this is where the term wayfinding signage or wayfinding graphics comes from. In small buildings, wayfinding graphics for exits or bathrooms are the most common. On larger campuses, wayfinding signs show what departments are in each wing or what events are happening in specific areas of the building.
Below we cover some of the best—and most creative—ways to implement wayfinding graphics and signage in your building.
How Floor Graphics Help People Find Their Way
Here at AP Graphics we help a variety of clients with their commercial graphics needs. One of the most common and most overlooked types of graphics for buildings are floor graphics. These types of graphics are in prime real estate and are quickly noticed—especially for wayfinding needs. Floor graphics are a perfect way to help people find their way around your building without altering the look of the walls.
Using Vinyl Signs for Events and Promotions
Event signage needs to be non-permanent, non-invasive, and attractive. This is why wall and floor graphics excel when it comes to event signage. Not only are wall and floor graphics removable and attractive, they take up no physical space. This ensures better flow within your building as well as better flexibility with signage location.
Physical Signs vs. Wall Graphics
Looking for some physical signs to help label your office space? Have you considered wall graphics instead? Wall graphics take up less space, offer more flexibility in terms of design, and can be easily removed and replaced. So, while a physical sign plaque may be a more traditional approach, note that it is no longer the best option for signage in your space.
Using Glass for Signage is a Double-Edge Sword
Does your office have a lot of interior glass? One of the best surfaces for vinyl graphics is glass windows and they act as a double-edged sword. Window films not only help visitors find their way around your building; they can reduce window collisions. And along those lines, custom printed window films offer a great way to tie your company’s branding into your wayfinding signage.
How Wayfinding Graphics Build Your Brand
Signage in your building doesn’t have to be bland. In fact, signs which look like an extension of your brand shows your company is in-touch and up-to-date. If style is already taken care of in your building, note that wall and floor graphics are also a great way to up-sell or cross-sell your company’s services or products. After all, if you have customers walking the halls of your building, it’s obvious they are semi-interested in the services you off.
So, if you’re looking for ways to help visitors navigate your building, consider vinyl signage. Not only will it help them not feel lost within your building, it’s a great way to showcase what your company is all about what selling some additional services along the way.